The Mericka Case – Blair Ussher – Corrupt VCAT Member

Blair Ussher

VCAT Member Blair Ussher

VCAT Member Blair Ussher must step down from his position as Member of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal pending investigations into serious allegations of criminal dishonesty, stalking and corruption.

VCAT Member Blair Ussher faces serious criminal allegations including:

  • Blackmail (Extortion)
  • Attempting to Obtain Financial Advantage by Deception
  • Stalking
  • Misconduct in Public Office
  • Corruption

Over the past decade there have been numerous attempts to have Mr Ussher’s criminal conduct investigated, but each investigation has been either shelved or stymied before completion. There is little doubt that Mr Ussher enjoys protection from regulators and those who may themselves come under scrutiny if his conduct is properly investigated. Among these is the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner, who currently holds not only evidence of Mr Ussher’s criminal conduct, but also evidence of the means by which this criminal conduct has been covered up.

IBAC ‘Own Motion’ Investigation Required

It is now time for Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) to commence an ‘own motion investigation‘ into VCAT Member Ussher. The investigation should be expanded to examine the conduct of those who have assisted VCAT Member Ussher to avoid justice and whose patronage appears to have assisted in the furthering of his career in the legal profession, culminating in his being elevated to a position requiring the highest integrity.

The Whistle Has Been Blown

The whistle has now been blown on this corrupt judicial officer. His position in the Victorian Justice System is untenable and he must step down pending a full investigation into criminal and corrupt conduct spanning the past 10 years.
